


Tractor Unit

Tractor Unit


Semi-Trailer • Trailer

Semi-Trailer • Trailer


Trailer • Drawbar

Trailer • Drawbar


Containers • Swap bodies

Containers • Swap bodies


Vans • Cars

Vans • Cars


Various • Equipment

Various • Equipment


Contractor • Crane

Contractor • Crane

Personal data policy on website

We at Scanvo Trucks Danmark A/S always make an effort to act according to the current legislation. That also applies to the rules in the Danish Data Protection Act (persondataloven) and the General Data Protection Regulation, and it is important to us that your personal data are processed safely and securely.

When you enter into a customer relationship with us, we will receive a number of personal data about you. We may also receive data about you as you act as a contact with one of our suppliers or partners.

As we process personal data about you, we are obliged to give you some information pursuant to the Danish Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation.

Among other things, you must be informed of how to get in contact with us if you want access to the data we have about you, information about why we process your data, what the data are used for and when your data will be deleted.

You can find the information in the below sections.

  1. We are the data controller - how do you contact us?

    Scanvo Trucks Danmark A/S is the data controller in relation to the processing of the personal data that we have received about you. You will find our contact information below

Scanvo Trucks Danmark A/S

Hårup Skovvej 7

DK - 8600 Silkeborg

CVR no.: 33242824

Telephone: + 45 87 24 43 70

Mail: info@scanvo.dk

  1. Purposes of and legal basis for the processing of your personal data

If you are our customer, we will obtain and process your personal data in relation to buying and selling and in relation to renting lorries. Obtaining the data is necessary for us to perform a contract with you.

The legal basis therefore is Article 6(1)(b) of the General Data Protection Regulation.

If you would like for us to assist you in requesting quotations for financing from leasing companies and banks, it may be necessary for us to obtain further data about you, e.g. your civil registration number. That also applies if we assist you in ordering trade plates.

If that is the case, you need to consent to the processing. In those cases, the legal basis is your explicit consent, see Article 6(1)(a) and S. 11(2)(ii) of the Danish Data Protection Act.

If you are a foreign customer and we sell you a lorry without Danish VAT, Danish tax and VAT legislation requires us to ask you for a copy of your or your driver's passport, thus your personal identification number, so that we can provide SKAT with a proof of the purchase.

The legal basis in such cases is Article 6(1)(c) of the General Data Protection Regulation and S. 11(2)(i) of the Danish Data Protection Act.

If you act as a contact by one of our suppliers or partners, we will process your personal data in relation to our cooperation. In that case, the legal basis is Article 6(1)(b) of the General Data Protection Regulation.

Finally, we may add your photo to one of our profiles on social media in connection with a sale or the like. In that case, the basis for our processing is also your explicit consent, see Article 6(1)(a).

  1. Categories of personal data

We process:

• General personal data such as name, telephone number, email address and physical address

• Possibly your civil registration number or confidential information

We never obtain particularly sensitive data about you.

  1. Recipients or categories of recipients

We use data processors in our processing of your data. We use i.a. an external email system, and we have an external administration system.

If we assist with contacting leasing companies or banks, we will disclose your personal data to your bank or leasing company.

If we assist with ordering trade plates, we will disclose your personal data to the supplier.

In case of sales without VAT, we may be instructed to disclose your personal data to e.g. SKAT.

Beyond this, we will not disclose your personal data to anyone else.

  1. Storage of your personal data

If your customer relationship has ended, all of your customer data will be deleted, including your personal data, in accordance with the rules about the duty of storage contained in the Danish Bookkeeping Act (bogføringsloven), i.e. 5 years after the financial year in which the most recent transaction with you took place. If you have an ongoing customer relationship with us, the data about you will be deleted on a regular basis and based on the same rules contained in the Danish Bookkeeping Act.

If you contact us as a customer or if we have been asked by others to contact you and our contact or quotation does not result in an agreement or a contract, your personal data will be deleted after 24 months at the latest.

However, data about you will in any case only be stored for as long as the data are relevant.

  1. Your rights

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, you have a number of rights in relation to our processing of your data about you.

If you would like to exercise your rights, please contact us. Our contact information can be found in section 1.

The right to see the data (right of access)

You have the right to access the data we process about you and a number of other data.

The right to rectification (correction)

You have the right to have inaccurate data about you rectified.

The right to erasure

In certain cases, you have the right to have data about you deleted before that point in time on which we normally delete data about you, see section 5.

The right to restriction of processing

In certain cases, you have the right to have the processing of your personal data restricted. If you are entitled to have the processing restricted, we may only process the data - with the exception of storage - with your consent or for the purpose of establishing, exercising or defending legal claims or to protect a person or important public interests.

The right to object

In certain cases, you have the right to object to our or legal processing of your personal data. You may also object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing.

The right to transmit data (data portability)

In certain cases, you have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to have these personal data transferred from one data controller to another without hindrance.

More information about your rights is available in the guide from the Danish Data Protection Agency (Datatilsynet) at www.datatilsynet.dk.

  1. Complaint to the Danish Data Protection Agency

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Agency if you are dissatisfied with the way we process your personal data. The contact information for the Danish Data Protection Agency is available at www.datatilsynet.dk.

  1. The right to withdraw your consent

You are entitled to withdraw your consent at any time if our processing of your personal data is based on your consent. That is e.g. the case if we have assisted you with quotations for financing or the ordering of trade plates or if you have agreed to our posting a picture of you on our Facebook profile.

The consent may be withdrawn by contacting us via the above contact information in section 1.

If you choose to withdraw your consent, it will not have effect until that point in time on which you withdraw your consent. This means that it does not affect the legality of our processing of your personal data until then.

  1. Transfer to third countries or international organisations

When we process your personal data, we generally do not use data processors located outside of the EU/EEA or who use sub-processors who are located outside of the EU/EEA.

If we do, we will make sure that the data processors or their sub-processors meet the requirements of S. 46 and S. 47 of the Danish Data Protection Act or e.g. have acceded to an arrangement such as the EU-US Privacy Shield. The latter is an arrangement that guarantees that the data processor meets the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation although the data processor is located outside of the EU/EEA.

  1. Other information

Your data will not be exposed to profiling or automated decision-making, and we have not appointed a data protection officer.

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